Worship with Us!
The word “Eucharist” comes from the Greek work eucharisstia which means “thanksgiving.” In the Episcopal Church, we celebrate Holy Eucharist in thanksgiving for Jesus’ sacrifice for us, the institution of the new covenant in his body and blood, and his command that we love each other as he loves us. At St. Alban’s, Holy Eucharist, the gathering together in worship to hear God’s Word, to join together in the prayers, and to share in the Divine Mystery that is Holy Communion, is the very core of our community. It reveals the truth that we are one Body in Christ. It strengthens and renews us as we walk out our Red Doors and into the world to share God’s peace and love with everyone we meet.
Here at St. Alban’s all persons are invited and welcome to worship with us, to come to God’s table to share in communion or receive a blessing, and to assist our efforts in the greater community to proclaim God’s word.
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, like all Episcopal and other mainline Protestant churches, is a “liturgical” church – meaning that the church's public worship of God is the work of the Christian people. During any given service, the congregation participates in all aspects of the worship service through their verbal responses, reading from Holy Scripture, singing of hymns, offering prayers, and by receiving Holy Communion.
What to Expect on a Sunday
The principal Sunday service in the Episcopal Church is the Holy Eucharist, also called “Holy Communion” or “Mass.” Our services (7:30 AM and 10:00 AM) average about an hour. At each service you will hear God’s Word read and proclaimed, prayers being offered, and the laying on of hands for those needing healing. Holy Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist, is offered at all services. If it is your faith tradition to receive communion, please come forward to receive both bread (gluten-free) and wine. Others may show their desire to receive a blessing by crossing their arms and placing their hands on their shoulders. All are welcome at God’s table!
There is no dress code. On Sunday mornings, the pews will be filled with people of all ages, some dressed in "Sunday best" and others in jeans or shorts (even in the winter!). Those serving at the altar wear white robes (called albs) as an act of reverence to God in the role they are serving. Whether you are serving on the altar or sitting in the pew, please come dressed however you feel most comfortable.
Children in Church
We view children as one of God’s greatest blessings and the future of the Church. This is why we invite them to worship with us with all their wiggles and giggles, Amens! and Alleluias! There are activity bags in the back of the church for them to use during the service if you wish to grab one, and “doodle” pads in each pew for those times when we just need to draw. We also have Children’s Bulletins and colors for kids to use during the service. We also have a Children’s Play Area in the Parish Hall adjacent to the Church for those kids who would like some free space to play or take a nap.
Our Children’s Sunday School (Godly Play) is on hiatus at present.
Children 8 years and older are invited to help at the altar as acolytes.
Worship Bulletins and Hymns
The Worship Bulletin provides the necessary details of the service making it easy for guests to follow along. Being mindful of our role as stewards of creation, our bulletins are available for download to your smartphone or tablet. We also have hardcopies available for your use. At our 7:30 service, worship bulletins may be found on the table as you enter the church sanctuary; at our 10:00 service, one of our ushers will hand you one. Please feel free to take them home or place them return them to the back of the church for recycling.
Our services follow the rites and liturgies found in either The Book of Common Prayer - which can be found in the book slot in your pew - or one of the authorized liturgies and rites found in Enriching Our Worship. The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) contains not only prayers for daily use and prayers for the celebration of the Eucharist, but also rites and prayers for all aspects of our lives: Holy Baptism, Marriage, the birth of children, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, and Burial.
Hymn numbers are posted on the hymn board located on the left side of the altar rail for easy reference. Hymns not included in our weekly insert are generally found in the Hymnal Books in the pews. We draw our hymns from the Worship and Rejoice (maroon book), Rejoice! (multicolored book), and the 1982 Hymnal (blue book).
Episcopal “Aerobics”
If you are new to the Episcopal Church, you may be unfamiliar with the different parts of the worship service. Practices vary as when it is appropriate to sit, to stand or to kneel – even among individual Episcopalians. The general rule is to stand to sing, affirming the Creed, the proclamation of the Gospel, and during certain prayers; sit to listen during the readings, the sermon, and certain music anthems; and kneel during other prayers (such as the prayer of confession) or as an act of humility before God. These rules are dependent upon your own health and ability. Some Episcopalians make the sign of the cross or bow at particular times and kneel for prayer upon entering the Nave. There is no general consensus as when these should be done. You may watch the people sitting around you for clues as to what to do when, or just do whatever feels comfortable to you.
COVID Mask Policy
The wearing of masks during services and meetings is welcome but not required. Masks (KN95) are available for those who wish to remain masked. St. Alban's also has its own masks available for purchase, proceeds going forward to St. Alban's Outreach Ministries.
If you feel sick, was exposed to someone you know tested positive for the COVID virus, or has been sick with any kind of viral or bacterial infection, please remain masked or, better still, join us from home on livestream that day.
Should I Give?
Your giving makes it possible for St. Alban’s to do God’s mission and ministry in its community. Although a plate is passed for offerings during each service, no one is required to contribute money. We believe giving is an act of thanksgiving and giving to the church is a result of a person’s response to God’s presence in their life. Learn more about the ways to give to St. Alban’s >>
How Can I Learn More About St. Alban’s?
If you wish to learn more about St. Alban’s, wish to have a name tag made, or wish to be added to our mailing list, please fill out the Welcome/Let’s Get Acquainted card located in the pew. Please either place the completed card in the offering plate and let that be your offering for the church, or hand it to the Usher or Fr. Bill as you leave the Church. Click here to connect with us >>